Articles of Association




1.       Name.          The name of the association is , “Association of Asia-Pacific Peace Operations Training Centers (AAPTC)”.


2.       Purpose.      In the framework of the UN conceptual objectives referring to the execution of measures for cooperation in peacekeeping education and training, AAPTC is created to promote better efficiency and efficacy in the preparation of personnel appointed for UN operations. The AAPTC is an entity conformed with the centres and government institutions of the Asia-Pacific region dedicated mainly to train and educate members of national armed forces and security forces and civilian personnel appointed to participate in peace keeping operation under UN mandate.


3.       Aim and Objectives.


a.       To promulgate an understanding of training standards developed by the UN DPKO ITS and to encourage their adoption.

b.       To promote the exchange of information and experiences among training institutions regarding different training activities.

c.       To facilitate the ability of peace keeping training centres to dialogue with each other as a matter of routine.

d.       To facilitates the efforts to harmonize the doctrine, training and research efforts of the various members.

e.       To identify emerging UN training requirements flowing from relevant policy matters.

f.        To enhance effective cooperation and networking between different training institutions in the region.

g.       To promote understanding of the different institutional perspectives and organizational cultures present among military, police and civil components in peace operation.


4.       Membership.


a.       AAPTC is an open and voluntary association of centers and institutions working in the Asia-Pacific Region whose principle core of activity or function is engaged in peacekeeping research, education and training.

b.       Entities out of Asia-Pacific Region will be considered as Observer, which on the successive would be invited or request to integrate the Association as member.

c.       Invitees can also be part of an association, those governmental and non-governmental academic organizations associated with peacekeeping education and training that could be invited by the Association or manifest as interest to participate.

d.       All member organizations will have the right to vote but Observer and Invitees will not have any right to vote.

e.       Those participating in the annual conference shall be considered as the active / current member for the AAPTC.


5.       General Meeting.   The assembly will be plenary and resolute, and it will represent the maximum authority on all the activities conducted by the Association. In addition, it will be responsible to establish its objectives and policies. These policies will be put into practice by the Executive Committee. The Association will hold a general meeting annually. The venue, date, agenda and theme of the meeting will be decided after consultation between members and the Secretariat.


6.       Standard Agenda of the General Meeting.     Over and above any other items to be decided by the Annual General Meeting, the following shall be on the standard agenda:

a.       Thematic discussion for the year.

b.       Progress reports on annual activities.

c.       Prospectus for planned courses.

d.       Message of the AAPTC Annual General Meeting.

e.       Agreement on the date and venue of the next meeting.


7.       Directive Body.      The Association Directive Body will be composed of the Chairperson, the Executive Committee, the Secretariat and hosts for next two years. This will have the function to coordinate the operation and the relationships among its members.

8.       Chairperson.          The Chairperson of the association shall be nominated from the association active members. The term of the Chairperson will be one year. The Chairperson will be from the organization hosting that year’s annual general meeting. The Chairperson-Elect will be from the organization that will host the next year’s annual general meeting. It shall rotate among the active members of the association in alphabetical order by country. Should a country decline a nomination during their appointed year, the next country alphabetically will be offered the nomination. If, subsequently the country that declined chooses to host at a later year, the chairmanship will return to them and then skip the next country. The responsibilities are:

a.       Calling for and chairing the meeting,

b.       Spearheading the activities of the Association and;

c.       Organizing, with assistance from the Secretariat, the Annual General Meeting.


9.       AAPTC Executive Committee.    The AAPTC Executive Committee supports the Chairperson and will consist of the following members:

·       Current Chairperson

·       Previous Chairperson

·       Chairperson-nominee

·       Senior representative from UNDPKO

·       Director of the Secretariat

·       Invited representative from civil-military organizations / institutions


Its main responsibilities will be:

a.       Advice and assist the Chairperson of the Association in his / her executive tasks.

b.       Put into action the Association’s programmes according to the decisions adopted by the Annual General Meeting.

c.       Recommend to the Annual General Meeting on the topics to cover during the future sessions.

d.       Keep the Association members informed about the activities.

e.       Propose modification to the articles of the Association if at least one third of the member requests it.

f.        Conduct a preparatory meeting before the Annual General Meeting and when they feel necessary.


10.     AAPTC Secretariat.          The Association will at every 3rd Annual General Meeting, entrust its day-to-day operations to a member organization. The Secretariat will take the responsibilities on all the administrative and organizational tasks related to the normal Association function, keeping documentation, updating web site, as well as any other function established by the Chairperson and/or AGM, inside their competencies. The host for the Annual General Meeting will be responsible for providing the Secretary pro tempore.


11.     Reforms.      Changes or amendments to these Articles will be proposed by the Chairperson through Executive Committee by the request of one third members which will be approved at the Annual General Meeting.


12.     Funding.      The expenditures will be dealt by the following terms:


a.       The organisation hosting the Annual General Meeting shall be responsible for all aspects of hosting the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the theme set out at the Annual General Meeting, except for:

(1)      Transportation cost of participants to reach the destination for the Annual General Meeting,

(2)      Accommodation and communications associated costs of participating members,

(3)      Non-hosted expenses,

(4)      Major medical and dental associated costs beyond first aid.


b.       All the expenditure stated in paragraph 12.a.(1)-(4) will be the responsibility of individual participants.

13.     Language.    The Annual General Meeting and all documents, publications, web pages etc of the Association will be communicated in English.